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Read about our values at IPS.

We serve business and government to improve the lives of Tennesseans. We envision Tennessee as a global leader with thriving business and industry, efficient and effective government, and vibrant communities. At the Institute for Public Service we value people, diversity, relationships, integrity, and excellence.


Center for Industrial
Services (CIS)
  County Technical
Assistance Service (CTAS)
  Law Enforcement
Innovation Center (LEIC)
Municipal Technical
Advisory Service (MTAS)
  Naifeh Center for Effective
Leadership (NCEL)
  Tennessee Language Center (TLC)


Character in Leadership 

By Dr. Herb Byrd III Sometimes it seems we choose characters for our leaders over leaders with character.  This week...
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History Lesson and Leadership

By Margaret Norris, MTAS With the Fourth of July holiday just behind us, after we have eaten the hotdogs, indulged...
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A Proclamation and Prescription for Rest

By Yolanda Dillard, MTAS This year’s theme for the Association for Talent Development’s annual conference was Recharge Your Soul. The theme...
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Transformational Leadership

By Tomi Rogers, IPS AdministrationI recently attended a conference for women in leadership hosted by the UT System. There was...
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Truth-Telling in Leadership

By Dr. Herb Byrd III 19th-century American humorist Josh Billings wrote a one-liner in his 1886 edition of complete works...
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Inspire, Empower, Communicate. Transform.

By Kelley McNeal, CTAS As you know, there are many leadership styles. In your careers, you have probably experienced several...
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How do you Lead When you Don’t Know Where you’re Going?

How do you lead when you don’t know where you’re going? By Dr. Jennifer Tourville, SMART Being in a new...
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Why Do We Call the Exercise of Leadership Art?

By Dr. Herb Byrd III  One of these days I aspire to learn to paint. To really take some image...
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